Coucou! C'est mon anniversaire!

Quick announcement at Du Livre. Today is Amber's 
24th Birthday!

Exciting exciting I know! Although I had to work today, my students made it extra special by singing to  me and buying me flowers. Regardez. 

I had to wear the birthday hat for the duration of class, luckily that was only ten minutes. It was hard discussing minimum wage and insurance in America. >.> Anyway that was my day. I'm in a good mood so I wanted to blog!

Coincidentally, my blogoversey was a little over a month ago. I was trying to plan some big birthday/blogoversey thing but I failed. I'm still working on it so give me time, but believe me! It will be awesome!

So many thanks to all of my readers and fellow bloggers. I love interacting with you and I love to know what's on your mind! And before I go, here is a picture of baby! Amber that my mom decided to post on Facebook. 

Oh! And if you interested in my new meme appearing tomorrow, I'm sending out emails RIGHT NOW. So if you want more information regarding what craziness I have up my sleeve, leave an email and we'll talk. 

Keep reading! 
