Favorite Love Interest Qualities

Do you like the boy next door or the the bad boy? Insta love or slow burn?

YA has grown immensely since the 2000s and there is a little something for everyone. One shared quality in YA is the romance. The romance is an important aspect which will make the book a hit or a miss for me. This doesn't have to be specifically YA, but I've noticed a lot of similar tropes when it comes to romance and the love interests.

Here are the some of qualities that make me squee over a love story.

(Real or otherwise)
After going through my fave goodreads list,  I can deduct that I'm a sucker for complex characters with dark pasts, or love stories where the characters seem to come from different worlds. 

What tropes in romance do you enjoy? Have you read all of my favorites? Who are your favorite couples and why?
