Sunshine and Good Vibes: February at a Glance

February was full of unusually warm weather and general good news!

Compared to January, February was fan-frickin-tastic! We're still dealing with my mother's cancer but that'll be a long process. We're just waiting for radiation, but I'm just happy that my mother no longer has to stay in a hospital!

My father-in-law had a harder February, health wise, but luckily his hospital stay was a lot shorter than we feared. Still don't know what was wrong with him, but he seems to be better! 
This month was also exciting because I got a promotion at work! I'm really excited for all of my new responsibilities and really nervous. Mostly because people will have to report to me now, I don't have a lot of manager experience so I guess I should learn. 

It was another one of those months where it felt like I didn't do much on the blog, but I guess I did. I'm somewhat behind on reviews because I read a few books that I didn't feel like reviewing, so I'm going to try my damnedest to get planned through April by the end of March. 


My favorite book of the month was The Dark Days Club and my least favorite was Harmony House. 

March will most likely be crazy work wise because I'll be getting settled into my new role. I'm escatic though because March equals con time! In a few weeks time, I'll be at C2E2 and they have been amping up their author guest list something crazy!

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