No Mourners. No Funerals: A Night with Leigh Bardugo

This Monday marked the start of the #TroubleMakers tour and I had the chance to see Leigh Bardugo that following Tuesday. AKA Crooked Kingdom release day!
Leigh Bardugo was at Anderson's Bookshop on Tuesday and due to my terrible planning, I didn't preorder my copy of Crooked Kingdom until the Friday before. Lesson learned. When I received my order receipt from Anderson's, I saw that I was number 117 to get my book signed. Oops. 

As the day crept closer I got more and more excited and more concerned. If I was number 117 to purchase a book on Friday, how many people would be there on Tuesday? And can Anderson's hold that many people? 

It turns out that Anderson's had the same concern, because two hours before the event, they changed the venue to a hall at a local college. Much more comfortable if I do say so myself. 

The event was great. If you haven't had the chance to Leigh Bardugo talk, she's a riot! Our audience had a lot of fun "out there" questions as well like, "what courses would the Six of Crows characters take in university?" and "what would you do if you had to spend a day with each other these characters?" To that question Leigh had the best response, "throw them all in jail!" 

Here are some fun facts I learned during this event: 

 And now I need to carve 20 hours out of my day to read Crooked Kingdom!

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