Les Petites Revues [#22]

And spring titles are upon us! 

Title: King of Fools (The Shadow Game #2)
Author: Amanda Foody
Source: Publisher
Rating: 3 Stars

After my glowing 5-star review of Ace of Shades, I was excited to see what came next for Levi and Enne, and unfortunately King of Fools was a disappointment. I'm not sure if it's just Second Book Syndrome or my tastes have changed over the course of the year, but I didn't have the same patience for the characters. Even though Levi and Enne had an obvious attraction to each other, Levi seemed more afraid of exploring that in King of Fools. There was a bit of a love triangle, and I had no patience for Levi not knowing what he wanted while hurting Enne. For my indifference to the book, the ending was downright explosive and really raised the stakes. 

Title: Love from A to Z
Author: S.K. Ali
Source: Work
Rating: 3 Stars

I read Saints and Misfits last year and really enjoyed Ali's voice. I was excited to jump into Love from A to Z but something didn't connect. It's no surprise that Young Adult Contemporary is extremely rare on my TBR, and that's because I don't have much luck with the genre, and Love from A to Z was no exception. I appreciated Zayneb and loved how she spoke up against microagressions and blatant racism (I wish I was that confident in high school), but I thought her attempt at changing herself felt too forced. I think my lack of enjoyment also stemmed from the accelerated timeline. Zayneb was on Spring Break when she met Adam so their time was limited, because of that looming ticking clock, the relationship felt a bit rushed and overdramatic. But honestly, my opinion means nothing. I'd recommend reading a review written by a Muslim teen instead of my rambling. 

Have you read any of the above? 
What's a book that got you down because of Second Book Syndrome?

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